Today is Rick Springfield's 60th birthday. I have loved him since 1982 when I was 13 years old.
My dad took me to every single one of Rick's shows when he came to Chicago. I remember standing on the chairs, as all the teenagers did back then, my dad looked at me and said, "maybe you should sit down." My dad tells me to this day that he will never forget the evil look I gave him when he said that....and I remained standing on the chair.
This is a photo of me in 1983 in my very tiny bedroom in the attic apartment I grew up in in Chicago. I was 14 and told my dad I would marry Rick Springfield and I didn't care that he was 20 years older than me! The picture below is also featured in Rick's CD booklet for Venus In Overdrive! I sent it in with tons of other fans and it's in there along with many other fans!
The first picture above was taken in 2004 at the Celebrity Theater in Phoenix, AZ. I had been living in AZ for less than a year at that time. I bought two tickets for this show and had my mom fly in from Chicago so I'd have a girl to go with me. No way will I ever be in the same room as Rick AND my husband! Something happens to me when I am in the same room as Rick, it's scary how I feel about him...not in a creepy stalker kind of way, I swear.
My mom & I arrived at the Celebrity Theater for the show and I decided to leave my purse in the car and just take what I thought were the 'essentials' in with me (camera, debit card, some cash, ID). I was sure I wouldn't be needing my cell phone or lipstick.
When we walked in the door, I turned to my right and low and behold...the concert souvenir table! We immediately went to it being that we had an entire hour to kill before the actual show started. Then I noticed a guitar hanging above the table on the wall, with a sign stating that if anyone bought one of the guitars that Rick plays and smashes on the stage that night (only 2 were being offered for sale), you were given 2 BACKSTAGE PASSES AND GET TO MEET RICK!
Then I started to hyperventilate and immediately took out my debit card and asked the person at the table how much and if anyone bought them yet. Are you ready for this???
$500! CASH ONLY! Heart sank. Yet I was determined not to let anyone or anything stand in my way for a chance to meet Rick after all these years of supporting him as a fan! I mean at this point my 4th row tickets for the show meant NOTHING to me! I NEEDED THAT GUITAR AND THE BACK STAGE PASSES!
My mind was churning, there was an ATM machine inside. I took my debit card, swiped it. Machine then informs me that I am only allowed to withdraw $150 at one time!!!! WTF??? Are you freaking kidding me! I need my $500 NOW, b@*!# (like I said, I get crazy when it comes to Rick). It was like my own little horror movie! I was trying not to freak out. I get the $150, had to say 'yes' to accept the $5 transaction fee and then I swiped the card and did it all over again...3 more times until I had taken out enough cash to pay!
Then I decide to call my new husband (we had been married June 2003...this was now May 2004). I called from the payphone. I explained the situation about the guitar, passes for back stage, etc and the cost and how much it would mean to me if I could do this. He tells me that if what I'm looking for is his permission, then he can't give that to me. So I politely say to him, well I'm sorry you feel that way but this is something I have to do. I placed the phone back on the hook and persued my dream since 1982!
So I did it. My mom was a bit shocked during the entire process of what I was doing. I didn't care about the show anymore. He did come out in the audience by us, my mom touched his leg (moms!) and all I was thinking was: I WANT TO GET BACKSTAGE! Normally him being as close to me as he was during the show would be enough but not now! Now I was going to actually be able to talk to him, even for just a tiny moment but he would look at me and hear me!
We still had to sit through the concert first. After the show was over, we went to get my guitar, duck tape and all, my passes to get backstage and made our way to where I thought heavens gates would be opening up for me.
Then it dawned on me...I didn't PLAN to meet Rick Springfield that night! I had no lipstick, comb or brush to freshen before heading backstage! Ugh. But I wasn't going to let that stop me.
There was a small line of people waiting to take their pictures with him (some won that privilege from radio stations). As we were waiting, Rick looked over at ME and did a little nod because he saw that I was holding the guitar. OMG, I know I melted a little bit.
Then it was finally our turn. Here is the picture of me and Rick May 2004.

Do you think I look just a wee bit excited?
Do you see what he wrote: WITH LOVE!

I will say I left there felling many things...he gave me a huge hug, signed the guitar to me and what did I say to him: My husband is going to kill me when I get home! Yes I said that. To Rick Springfield. My teen idol. I was kicking myself all the way home and for the next week. But he was nice about it. He asked me how long we'd been married and when I told him 11 months, he laughed. Then as I was walking away, he stroked the back of my hair all the way down my head. I melted into the carpet.
I need a do-over so I can get out the right words...not sure what they should be but I know it shouldn't be that my husband is going to kill me!
Guitar is hanging on the wall in my family room with the picture and another one that includes my mom plus the ticket from the show and pictures of the backstage pass because I can't find it anywhere now!
Now how cool is that!
So happy birthday, Rick! Keep on rockin'! You are still hot at 60!